The “Trousseau Tea” seems to be a lost pre-wedding ritual. The ‘tea’ is a party hosted by the bride’s mother usually in her home; with neighbours, colleagues and acquaintances invited who are not on the wedding guest list. The mother of the bride would lay out the bride’s shower and wedding gifts for the attendees to admire. It provides an opportunity for those not invited to the wedding, to share in the couples/families joy. The tradition had its origins when brides lived with their parents until the wedding day. No wonder the tradition is lost with so many living on their own or with their partners prior to the wedding. Also the tradition has seemed to have gone away as many couples receive cash gifts more often than not as opposed to a wedding gift, especially from colleagues and friends. If you plan on having your own “Trousseau Tea” let me know. As always, I wish all the happy couples out there a Happily Ever After.