All couples (not getting married in a church) in Ontario require a marriage license prior to getting married in Ontario. There are other requirements for Ontario residents getting married outside the province. Here is the process for getting such a license. Since Licenses are valid for 90 days, you need not get one until your wedding is about 3 months away. They are valid immediately so those that forget this can get a license very close to the wedding day. Download and print the Marriage Application from Service Ontario, your local municipality/city or my website. Very carefully following the instructions fill out the application. You and or your fiance go to any town hall, city hall or municipal office in Ontario. Prices vary by as much as $50 so shop around. Prior to going there, give a quick call and make sure the clerk responsible is available. (don’t want to go and then find out they are sick or on vacation). It will take about 15-20 minutes to process the license. When they get you to go over information please do so with care making sure everything is accurate. Then PRIOR to the ceremony give the entire package given to you to your officiant. (This is a LEGAL requirement to have yourself married) They will give you back what they don’t need. (I have had couples not bring the mailing envelope, only one page of the license etc… please bring it all). You will get the signed bottom part of the last page after the ceremony. The Officiant is responsible to mail in the rest in the envelope within 72 hrs. After 8-10 weeks you can apply on line or send in the accompanying sheet to get a copy of your marriage certificate ($15 fee).