When it comes to a wedding ceremony, one of the highlights (of course after the bride enters….) is the vows, and yet many couples stress a great deal when it comes to reciting them. I strongly encourage couples to write their own vows. The length of vows should not be a consideration. Take time to write what is meaningful. It personalizes the ceremony and makes it unique. For those wondering where to start the internet is a great resource. Google “wedding vows” and it will give you a place to start. Perhaps a sentence from one, a phrase from another… It might even be a jumping off point to personalize and write your own. Start the beginning of your relationship if you want to: ie From the time we first met until today…… Remember your vows DO NOT need to be memorized, most read it to each other off of cue cards, some have even used their iPhone (not recommended if outdoors). If you are shy or uncomfortable with that, most officiants can give them to you a line at a time. Remember these are the words of love and commitment you are sharing with your soon to be spouse. Make them special!
At Pond Side Ministries I encourage couples to send me a copy of their vows. I never read them, I just print them out in a size 14 font and keep a copy with me incase the couple forgets their copy. If all of that fails, I also have rescue vows in the back of my service book. (you’ll have to ask Erick and Amy about the experience on the dock that led to these changes)