If you are looking for a unique ritual for your wedding, a Love Lock Ceremony may be one to consider. There are several ways the ritual can be done. The couple can use a pair of locks that they padlock together on a single chain or lock their individual locks together and throw away the keys. so the locks can never be unlocked, opened, and released from the chain.
The lock and keys can be purchased and personalized with names and dates, or a any padlock would do.
Here is how the ritual would go….
______and ______ have just pledged their lives to one another, symbolized with the exchange of vows and the giving and receiving of rings. They wish to further symbolize the strength of their commitment with a Love Lock Ceremony.
These two padlocks represent their recognition of the dedication and courage necessary for securing a strong and healthy marriage.
Attach your locks to the chain which is in the form of a circle, symbolic of unity, wholeness, and completion. _________ have united in love and trust for a common purpose, for what was separate will now become whole and complete.
_______ and ________ please take the keys and secure your locks. As your hearts, bodies, and minds are joined together in a bond that constitutes the sanctity of marriage, these locks demonstrate that _____ and _______ are forever joined together in a lifelong partnership and an abiding friendship, a promise between two people that they will forever strive to both complement and complete one another.
________ and ______ please dispose of the keys, for what your love has brought together, let nothing break apart.