There are many variations for the Unity Candle Ceremony. Please feel free to adapt and personalize your own. Here are some ideas I have used in the past.
One very personalized Unity Candle Ceremony I did, involved a happy couple who did a commitment ceremony prior to their wedding, to include a very ill mother, who was not expected to live for the ceremony. The couple received candles that were lit by their parents. The candle they lit together was in a lantern, which was later lit and placed in a prominent spot at their actual wedding ceremony to symbolically include their mother who had unfortunately died.
*Note that this ceremony does not really work well for outdoor weddings.
Unity Candle Ceremony #1
The candles you are about to light is a candle of marriage. Its fire is magical because it represents the light of two people in love. This candle before you is a candle of commitment because it takes two people working together to keep it aflame. This candle is also a candle or unity because both must come together giving a spark of themselves, to create the new light. As you light this candle today, may the brightness of the flame shine through out your lives. May it give you courage and reassurance in darkness, warmth and safety in the cold, and strength and joy in your bodies, minds and spirits. May your union be forever blessed.
Unity Candle Ceremony #2
Today bride and groom have come here from two different families. Out of these two families a new family will be created. At this time I would like to invite the parent of ________ and _______ to come forward and light the individual candles which represent the two separate families. The two individual flames, on representing each family will demonstrate to us in a very way the symbol of two become one.
From now on they will grow together as unique persons becoming a light to the world.
Unity Candle Ceremony #3
As you enter marriage may the light of God’s presence in your life and his works through you be seen as a light in the darkness. May that truth be reflected as you now take the flames from two separate candles and blend them into one centre candle. May God untie you with one faith, one hope and one love. May you ____________ and________ be one in name, one in aim, one in commitment to the one and only true God. Amen.
Unity Candle Ceremony #4
Two outside candles have been lit and placed here by members of both families to represent the lives of _______ and __________ to this moment. Their lights representing the faith, wisdom and love they have received from their parents are distinct and each burns alone. After the exchange of vows __________ and _________ will light the centre candles representing the union of their lives.
The bride and groom will now light the unity candle to symbolize the union of their lives. From now on their thoughts shall be for each other, and joys and sorrows shall be shared alike. By allowing the flame of the two smaller candles to remain lit, they also accept the individuality of each other as a means of fulfilling their oneness.