Here is a ritual that you may want to include in your wedding ceremony, that involves the parents of the Happy Couple. It can be adapted to incorporate children as well. You will need two vials of sand (sand being different colours) The Dollar Store has a great selection of sand and inexpensive containers, you can also get personalized kits on the internet, as well as a vase/bottle that can be sealed to contain both. Try to make is so the sand takes up most of the container as you will want to display this somewhere prominent later on. The officiant is the one that says the words, and the couple simply follows instructions.
Today bride and groom have come here from two different families. Out of these two families a new family will be created. At this time I would like to invite the ___________ and __________ the parents of the Groom and ___________ and _________ the parents of the Bride, to come forward and put some of their children’s sand in the vase. This represents the two separate families that ___________ and _______ have come from.
Now I would invite each __________ and __________ to each take the vial of sand representing from your parents. This sand represents all you were, all that you are, and all that you will ever be. I ask you to simultaneously pour the sand into the unity vase symbolizing the uniting of each other in marriage..
As these two containers of sand have been poured into the bowl, the individual containers of sand will no longer exist, but will be joined together as one. Just as the grains of sand can never be separated and poured again into individual containers, so will your marriage and new family be forever one.
If you are having children part of the sand ceremony in stead of parents, you would invite the children up and the parents put their sand in first and the children after. Note if children are younger they may want to pick out the colour of their sand. This way when they look at it as they grow up, they can proudly point out which sand is theirs.